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Although the sensitivity to oral health for the child has positively increased over the last few decades, it is still possible to report some widespread errors in families, especially regarding newborn baby food hygiene and oral hygiene education.

In fact, baby bottle disease is still too widespread in our reality. The presence of destructive and widespread cavities in all milk teeth is apparent in some children of 2-3 years of age and is due to the bad habit of some mothers leaving a bottle containing sweetened drinks in the cradle with their younger ones for long periods of time.  Sugared beverages must also include milk containing lactose, a sugar that can give you cavities almost as well as the most popular sugars such as glucose and sucrose.

Milk teeth of children, subjected to this continual external aggression, typically develop upper dental cavities with subsequent contamination of all other dental elements. These are situations where the dentist can almost always intervene only with the recuperation of the oral cavity in narcosis, given the young age of the patient and the difficulty of collaborating for long and invasive treatment.

Such situations can be stopped in their degeneration only if diagnosed early on, at around 2 years of age. For this reason, it is advisable to have a check-up with the pediatrician who will point out the need for a visit to the dentist as soon as your child starts daycare if not before.

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